Sign The Petition To

Remove Caleb Rowden as Missouri Senate Majority Floor Leader

Republican Majority Floor Leader Caleb Rowden has broken trust with the Republican Party in numerous ways. We can do 2 things to urge Rowden to step down from his leadership position as Senate majority floor leader (the position is elected by the majority caucus members…it’s not a citizen vote).

  1. Sign the petition below.

  2. Call and email your Senator, letting them that because of the decisions Caleb Rowden has made and the division he’s creating within the Republican Party, he should step down from the position of Missouri’s Senate Majority Floor Leader.

Caleb Rowden has betrayed republican voters. He has not kept his word to various republican senators and has consistently voted in ways that directly oppose the Missouri Republican Platform.

He has voted directly against the Pro-Life cause --- he voted to continue public funding of abortion via Planned Parenthood (twice!).

He voted to undermine election integrity and security by supporting universal mail-in voting with or without cause.

He voted to fully expand and implement Obamacare in Missouri.

He voted for the largest tax increase in Missouri history.

And most recently, he signaled support to send more Democrats to Congress.

We need to hold our republican elected official accountable to first being truthful and second to uphold the planks of the Missouri Republican Platform. Sign this petition to remove Caleb Rowden as Missouri Senate Majority Floor Leader along with calling and emailing your Representing Senator (representing senator phone/email below) to tell them the same, “Caleb Rowden should be removed as Missouri Senate Majority Floor Leader.”

View the formal petition with specific Amendments and bills Rowden voted on and the corresponding Articles from Missouri's Republican Platform he's violated here.

Sign Petition Here

Find and Contact Your Representing Senator

DOUG BECK District 1 - Part of St. Louis County (573) 751-0220

BOB ONDER JR District 2 -St. Charles (573) 751-6607

ELAINE GANNON District 3 - Iron, Reynolds, Ste. Genevieve, St. Francois, Washington, Jefferson 751-6607

KARLA MAY District 4 - Parts of St. Louis County and St. Louis City (573) 751-3599

STEVEN ROBERTS District 5 - Part of St. Louis City (573) 751-4415

MIKE BERNSKOETTER District 6 -- Cole, Gasconade, Maries, Miller, Moniteau, Morgan, Osage (573) 751-2076

GREG RAZER District 7 - Part of Jackson (573) 751-6607

MIKE CIERPIOT District 8 -- Part of Jackson (573) 751-1464

BARBARA ANNE WASHINGTON District 9 -- Part of Jackson (573) 751-3158

JEANIE RIDDLE District 10 — Audrain, Callaway, Lincoln, Monroe, Montgomery, Warren (573) 751-2757

JOHN RIZZO District 11 -- Part of Jackson (573) 751-3074

DAN HEGEMAN District 12 -- Andrew, Atchison, Clinton, Daviess, DeKalb, Gentry, Grundy, Harrison, Holt, Mercer, Nodaway, Putnam, Sullivan, Worth, Clay (part of) (573) 751-1415

ANGELA MOSLEY District 13 - Part of St. Louis County (573) 751-2420

BRIAN WILLIAMS District 14 - Part of St. Louis County (573) 751-4106

ANDREW KOENIG District 15 - Part of St. Louis County (573) 751-5568

JUSTIN BROWN District 16 - Camden, Crawford, Dent, Phelps, Pulaski (573) 751-5713

LAUREN ARTHUR District 17 - Part of Clay (573) 751-5282

CINDY O’LAUGHLIN District 18 - Adair, Chariton, Clark, Knox, Lewis, Linn, Macon, Marion, Pike, Ralls, Randolph, Schuyler, Scotland, Shelby (573) 751-7985

CALEB ROWDEN District 19 - Boone, Cooper (573) 751-3931

ERIC BURLISON District 20 - Christian and Greene (part of) (573) 751-1503

DENNY HOSKINS District 21 - Caldwell, Carroll, Howard, Johnson, Lafayette, Livingston, Ray, Saline (573) 751-4302

PAUL WIELAND District 22 - Part of Jefferson (573) 751-1492

BILL EIGEL District 23 - Part of St. Charles (573) 751-1141

JILL SCHUPP District 24 - Part of St. Louis County (573) 751-9762

JASON BEAN District 25 - Butler, Carter, Dunklin, Mississippi, New Madrid, Pemiscot, Shannon, Stoddard (573) 751-4843

DAVID SCHATZ District 26 - Franklin, St. Louis County (part of) (573) 751-3678

HOLLY REHDER District 27 - Bollinger, Cape Girardeau, Madison, Perry, Scott, Wayne (573) 751-2459

SANDY CRAWFORD District 28 - Benton, Cedar, Dallas, Hickory, Laclede, Pettis, Polk, St. Clair (573) 751-8793

MIKE MOON District 29 - Barry, Lawrence, McDonald, Stone, Taney (573) 751-1480

LINCOLN HOUGH District 30 - Part of Greene (573) 751-1311

RICK BRATTIN District 31 - Barton, Bates, Cass, Henry, Vernone (573) 751-2108

BILL WHITE District 32 - Dade, Jasper, Newton (573) 751-2173

KARLA ESLINGER District 33 - Douglas, Howell, Oregon, Ozark, Ripley, Texas, Webster, Wright (573) 751-1882

TONY LUETKEMEYER District 34 - Buchanan and Platte (573) 751-2183